Hip Pain

Hip Pain

The hips are arguably the most critical structure of the body. Do you know what the primary purpose of the pelvis is? Its primary goal is efficiently transferring kinetic energy between your lower and upper body and back again. To do that efficiently, all of the muscles that connect to it and pass through it must be functional.

In addition, the pelvis's relationship with the sacrum (the bottom of the spine) and the femur (the thigh bone) must be neutral. If your muscles are out of balance, you might be tilting your pelvis too far forward or backward. It might even be rotated. It could be higher on one side than the other, or even a combination of these things. Any of these imbalances will affect your upper and lower body, causing more imbalance and often pain. It's all connected.

Get relief for your hip pain by calling or scheduling a free evaluation today

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